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  1. 521. Direction under Section 18 (2)(d) read with Section 16 (5) of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 dated dated 18th October 2022 regarding operationalization of FSS (Health Supplements, Nutraceuticals, Food for Special Dietary Use, Food for Special Medical Purpose and Prebiotic and Probiotic Food), Regulations, 2022 [FSS (Nutra) Regulations, 2022] [Updated on:28-11-2022]
  2. 522. Direction under Section 18(2)(d) and 16 (5) of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 regarding re-operationalisation of Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Business) Amendment Regulations, 2021 [Updated on:28-11-2022]
  3. 523. Order dated 18th November 2022 regarding Rectifiable labeling information for imported food consignments [Updated on:28-11-2022]
  4. 524. Order dated 18th November 2022 regarding Faceless processing of review applications of rejected imported food items [Updated on:28-11-2022]
  5. 525. Circular dated 28th November 2022 regarding Internship starting in the month of January- 2023 under Internship Scheme 2021 [Updated on:28-11-2022]
  6. 526. Direction under Section 18 (2)(d) read with Section 16 (5) of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 dated 18th October 2022 regarding operationalization of FSS (Foods for Infant Nutrition) Amendment Regulations, 2022 relating to revise limits of Selenium, Manganese, iron and biotin [Updated on:28-11-2022]
  7. 527. Direction under Section 18 (2) (d) read with Section 16 (5) of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 dated 18th October 2022 regarding re-operationalisation of Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Amendment Regulations, 2021 relating to limit of naturally occurring formaldehyde in freshwater and marine fish [Updated on:28-11-2022]
  8. 528. Office Order dated 28th November 2022 regarding appointment of FSSAIs Designated Officer for Central Licensing under Section 36 of FSS Act, 2006 (Northern Region) [Updated on:28-11-2022]
  9. 529. Direction under Section 18(2)(d) and 16 (5) of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 regarding re-operationalisation of Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Business) Amendment Regulations, 2021 [Updated on:28-11-2022]
  10. 530. Clarification dated 10th November 2022 regarding sale of Hemp seeds and seed products (Hemp seed, Oil extracted from hemp seeds, Hemp seed flour) [Updated on:22-11-2022]
  11. 531. Notice dated 22nd Nov. 2022 regarding Declaration of marks of written examination/interview for the post of Food Analyst under Recruitment Advt. No. DR-04/2021 [Updated on:22-11-2022]
  12. 532. Gazette Notification of the Food Analysts working in FSSAI recognized Food Testing Laboratories [Updated on:21-11-2022]
  13. 533. Draft Food Safety and Standards (Genetically Modified Foods) Regulations, 2022 [Updated on:21-11-2022]
  14. 534. Draft Food Safety and Standards (Genetically Modified Foods) Regulations, 2022 for inviting comments/suggestions from WTO-TBT Member Countries [Updated on:21-11-2022]
  15. 535. Draft Food Safety and Standards (Genetically Modified Foods) Regulations, 2022 for inviting comments/suggestions from WTO-SPS Member Countries [Updated on:21-11-2022]
  16. 536. Notice dated 15th Nov. 2022 regarding Declaration of final result for the post of Director (Pay Level - 13) on deputation on Foreign Service Terms Basis against Circular dated 24.05.2022 [Updated on:16-11-2022]
  17. 537. Office Order dated 11th November 2022 regarding partial modification in office order no. 305/2022 dated 05.08.2022 related to information of CPIO in Regulation Division [Updated on:11-11-2022]
  18. 538. Tender dated 11th November 2022 for inviting bids for development of and videos on Millet [Updated on:11-11-2022]
  19. 539. Order dated 10th November 2022 regarding Ease of doing business: Capping of penalties due to delay in submission of Annual Returns [Updated on:10-11-2022]
  20. 540. Result Notice dated 04th November 2022 regarding Declaration of Final Result for the post of Food Analyst (Advt. No. DR-04/2021) [Updated on:04-11-2022]