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  1. 441. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (Financial) Regulations, 2023 [Updated on:27-01-2023]
  2. 442. Gazette Notification of the Food Analysts working in FSSAI recognized Food Testing Laboratories [Updated on:27-01-2023]
  3. 443. Misleading products in market in same name of "Ghee/Butter" [Updated on:24-01-2023]
  4. 444. Gazette Notification on Food Safety and Standards (First Amendment) Rules, 2022 [Updated on:24-01-2023]
  5. 445. Declaration of Appellate Authority in respect of RCD and QA Division [Updated on:23-01-2023]
  6. 446. Appellate Authority in respect of General Administration and Policy Coordination Division [Updated on:19-01-2023]
  7. 447. हैदराबाद शहर में सीईओ की यात्रा के दौरान तेलंगाना के खाद्य सुरक्षा पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र की समीक्षा के संबंध में प्रेस विज्ञप्ति दिनांक 17 जनवरी, 2023 [Updated on:19-01-2023]
  8. 448. RFP and Price Bid [Updated on:19-01-2023]
  9. 449. Limited Tender for inviting bids for development of nine s and videos on nine types of Millets [Updated on:19-01-2023]
  10. 450. Notice (DR-04/2021): Display of individual answer sheet from 19.01.2023 to 25.01.2023 [Updated on:19-01-2023]
  11. 451. Press Release dated 17th January, 2023 regarding review of food safety ecosystem of Telangana during the CEOs visit to the city of Hyderabad [Updated on:17-01-2023]
  12. 452. प्रेस विज्ञप्ति 12 जनवरी , 2023: FSSAI ने बासमती चावल के लिए व्यापक नियामक मानकों को अधिसूचित किया [Updated on:13-01-2023]
  13. 453. Manufacturers [including Pepacker and Relabellers] to upload or link mandatory Lab Testing Report [Six-monthly] on FoSCos [Updated on:13-01-2023]
  14. 454. Import of High risk food products at specific ports [Updated on:13-01-2023]
  15. 455. Import of High risk food products at specific ports [Updated on:13-01-2023]
  16. 456. Ease of Doing Business: Instant Renewal of License/Registration [Updated on:12-01-2023]
  17. 457. Ease of Doing Business: Instant Renewal of License/Registration [Updated on:12-01-2023]
  18. 458. Press Release dated 12th January, 2023: FSSAI notifies comprehensive regulatory standards for Basmati Rice [Updated on:12-01-2023]
  19. 459. Gazette Notification of Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) First Amendment Regulations, 2023 related to standards for basmati rice, fowl eggs, lowering of fat content for double toned milk, limits of naturally occurring formaldehyde in freshwater and marine fish etc. [Updated on:12-01-2023]
  20. 460. Escalation matrix for raising grievances/queries to Central Licences/Applications [Updated on:11-01-2023]