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  1. 3081. List of FSSAI Notified NABL Accrediated Food Testing Laboratories for Analysis of Food samples taken under FSS Regulation for 1 year [Updated on:16-07-2014]
  2. 3082. Extending time period for complying with requirements under the Gazatte Notifications No. P 15014/1/2011-PFA/FSSAI dated 27.06.2013 [Updated on:01-07-2014]
  3. 3083. Extending time period for complying with requirements under the Gazette Notifications No. P 15014/1/2011-PFA/FSSAI dated 27.06.2013 [Updated on:30-06-2014]
  4. 3084. Draft Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) amendment Regulations, 2013 (relating to use Encapsulation of Ferrous Fumarate and additives for Double Fortified Salt) [Updated on:26-06-2014]
  5. 3085. Notification No.4/15015/30/2011 dated 07th June 2013 relating to the FSSAI license number and logo on the label of the food products [Updated on:24-06-2014]
  6. 3086. Ban on Import of dairy Products from China. [Updated on:19-06-2014]
  7. 3087. Ban on Import of dairy Products from China. [Updated on:19-06-2014]
  8. 3088. Ban on Import of dairy Products from China. [Updated on:19-06-2014]
  9. 3089. Notification of Referral Food Laboratories as per the section 43(2) of Food Safety and Standard Act, 2006 [Updated on:16-06-2014]
  10. 3090. F.no. 2-15015/30/2012.-Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Business)Amendment Regulations,2011 published on Gazette on dated 10th June, 2014 relating to time extension of Sub-regulation. [Updated on:10-06-2014]
  11. 3091. Uniform Numbering System for licensing [Updated on:09-06-2014]
  12. 3092. Inviting applications dated 01stMay 2014 for Recognition / Authorisation / Notification accrediated food testing laboratories for analysis of sample under FSSA [Updated on:01-05-2014]
  13. 3093. List of FSSAI Notified NABL Accrediated Food Testing Laboratories for Analysis of Food samples taken under FSS Regulation for 1 year [Updated on:01-05-2014]
  14. 3094. Uniform Numbering System for Port/Airport [Updated on:26-03-2014]
  15. 3095. Guidelines on licensing of air services [Updated on:26-03-2014]
  16. 3096. Analysis of primary samples by the notified laboratory [Updated on:23-03-2014]
  17. 3097. Office Order w.r.t. Port and Airport [Updated on:05-03-2014]
  18. 3098. E-12018/01/2012-E&A [Updated on:20-02-2014]
  19. 3099. Statutory Advisory on extending time line upto 04.08.2014 for Food Business Operators seeking conversion/renewal license/registration under repealed Orders. [Updated on:05-02-2014]
  20. 3100. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on FSSAI Act and Regualations. [Updated on:05-02-2014]